What is the registration fee?
The registration fee is $475.00 for general attendee, and $375.00 for military/government.
What does the registration fee include?
The registration fee covers access to all events and meals. Meals include breakfasts, lunches, refreshment breaks and receptions (alcohol not included). Please see the "Registration" page for more details.
Is there a virtual attendee option?
To focus on in-person networking and engagement, there is no virtual option for attending the ERI Summit.
What is the registration deadline?
The registration deadline is 11:59pm ET Friday, July 31, 2023. New registration requests will not be taken or processed on-site.
What is the cancellation policy?
Registration fees will be fully refunded for any attendee who cancels prior to 11:59pm ET on July 31, 2023. After that time, no refunds will be made. If you would like to transfer your registration to someone else within your organization, please email ERI-Summit@darpa.mil. Transferal requests must be submitted by 11:59pm ET on August 17, 2023.
May I register for individual sessions and only pay for those elements of the event?
No. The registration fee is inseverable.
Is there a limit to the number of people who can attend per organization?
Attendance may be limited per organization once the event capacity is reached.
Will the sessions be recorded?
All main stage presentations will be recorded and posted to DARPA’s YouTube channel in the weeks following the ERI Summit. Workshop sessions will not be recorded.
Is photography and videography allowed during the event?
Yes, photography and videography are allowed during the event.
Are media allowed at the event?
Yes, media can register for the event by selecting "Media" as their registration type. Please e-mail ERI-Summit-Media@darpa.mil for any questions related to attending as media.
What is the recommended attire for the event?
Recommended dress is business casual for civilians and class B for military attendees.