Dr. Naveen Verma
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Princeton Univeristy
Dr. Naveen Verma
Naveen Verma received the B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the UBC, Vancouver, Canada in 2003, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from MIT in 2005 and 2009 respectively. Since July 2009 he has been at Princeton University, where he is current Director of the Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research focuses on advanced sensing systems, exploring how systems for learning, inference, and action planning can be enhanced by algorithms that exploit new sensing and computing technologies. This includes research on large-area, flexible sensors, energy-efficient statistical-computing architectures and circuits, and machine-learning and statistical-signal-processing algorithms. Prof. Verma has been involved in a number of technology transition activities including founding start-up companies. Most recently, he co-founded EnCharge AI, together with industry leaders in AI computing systems, to commercialize foundational technology developed in his lab. Prof. Verma has served as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, and on a number of conference program committees and advisory groups. Prof. Verma is the recipient of numerous teaching and research awards, including several best-paper awards, with his students.
Edge Intelligence Under Uncertainty
(9:45am - 9:50am)